AgriProve delivers issuance of 1,711 Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) for Killen Carbon Project

  • The Killen Carbon Project, in Blakney Creek, New South Wales, has successfully generated a total of 1,711 Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) under the ACCU Scheme.

  • The project, which began in April 2022, covers 47.25 hectares of grazing land owned by husband and wife team, John Lawson and Philippa Yelland, who run a cattle grazing operation.

  • Increased soil carbon improves fertility of the land and extends the growing season.

3rd October 2024: The Killen Carbon Project covers 47.25 hectares and is owned and managed by husband and wife team, John Lawson and Philippa Yelland who run their cattle grazing operation. Killen Carbon Project focuses on sustainable land management practices designed to enhance soil carbon levels. Central to these efforts are soil remediation activities that improve soil structure and biology, achieved through the use of non-synthetic fertilisers and soil amendments that address macro and micronutrient deficiencies.

By implementing a combination of soil remediation practices and strategic land management, John has more than doubled pasture productivity, extended the growing season, and doubled the farm’s livestock carrying capacity. Through the use of industrial byproducts like drinking water lime residuals, crusher dust and AgriAsh, John has improved soil health and farm productivity while repurposing waste products that would otherwise go to landfill.

John’s expertise in soil health and regeneration extends beyond his farming operations, with his other business, SoilRegen (, focusing on providing sustainable soil improvement solutions. This holistic and scientific approach to land management showcases the value of combining soil health with carbon farming.

Like all of AgriProve's projects, the Killen Carbon Project benefits from AgriProve’s innovative, digitally enabled Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) model, which combines satellite imagery with ground-truthed measurements to predict changes in soil carbon. This remote SOC monitoring allows re-sampling to occur once an increase in soil carbon is predicted, significantly speeding up the crediting process. As a result, landholders can receive carbon credits in as little as two years, compared to the typical five-year timeline.

When John decided to start the Killen Carbon Project he elected to defer a portion of the baseline soil sampling expenses by utilising AgriProve’s unique funding model whereby future generated ACCUs can be used to cover the costs. This flexibility, a key benefit that AgriProve offers to its partnering landholders, enabled John to move forward with the project and get started quickly without the upfront expense or impact to cashflow.

The focus on improving pasture quality through pasture diversity, soil nutrition, structure and water holding capacity has enhanced the soil’s ability to sequester carbon. The project highlights AgriProve’s commitment to supporting landholders in achieving carbon credit issuance efficiently and effectively. As of 24th September 2024, the Killen Carbon Project has received its first issuance of 1,711 ACCUs.

Quotes attributable to AgriProve General Manager AU Stuart Upton

"We’re proud to partner with John Lawson on the Killen Carbon Project, which demonstrates how focused land management can achieve significant improvements in soil carbon. By adopting innovative soil remediation practices, John has been able to more than double his pasture productivity and boost soil carbon levels. The early issuance of ACCUs is a testament to John’s scientific approach and commitment. It is an ideal combination of AgriProve’s technology and process expertise matched with John and Phillippa’s passion for ag, nature repair and science. Our ability to help deliver carbon credits in as little as two years, compared to the usual five, is a key benefit we offer landholders looking to unlock additional value while boosting productivity."

Quotes attributable to Killen Carbon Project landholders John Lawson and Philippa Yelland

"One of the aspects we’re most proud of is our focus on soil and materials science to support a circular economy.”

“Our project employed seven separate techniques. AgriProve scheduled their SOC monitoring in 3 different strata of the project, thus clarifying the value of different treatments. Our contract with Suez Water enabled an extended science-based approach and AgriAsh and crusher dust suppliers also helped.  The completed section gained 1.6% of SOC in the top 30cm in under two years.”

"We've seen more than double the productivity in our pastures since implementing these soil modifications. The increase in soil carbon has not only improved the fertility of our land but also extended the growing season."

"The support we've received from AgriProve has been excellent. Their team has a deep understanding of the system and has been instrumental in guiding us through the process. AgriProve's expertise made navigating the complexities of soil carbon farming much smoother for us."

“Carbon farming revenues will enable more productive projects like ours, but capital risk management will require the kind of expertise in which AgriProve is a vital partner and the acknowledged leader”.

Media contact: Daniel Wortmann 0448 187 650 [email protected]