Coming soon effective rainfall
The first of its kind the AgriProve Effective Rainfall Tool will show exactly how much rainfall is being utilised for plant growth after accounting for runoff, deep drainage, and evaporation. By analysing your farm’s ground cover, soil type, and management practices, this tool helps you pinpoint areas where water is being lost to evaporation and where improvements can be made to maximize the effect of your most prized asset - water. This means better plant growth, improved soil health, and greater resilience to changing weather conditions.
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COMing soon
effective rainfall improvement forecasting
This tool forecasts the predicted effective rainfall on your property if groundcover was increased by 10%. Higher levels of vegetation or mulch prevent soil erosion and slow water movement, allowing more rainfall to be absorbed rather than lost as runoff.
Shows how different land management practices, such as rotational grazing, minimal tillage, and optimized crop rotation, can affect effective rainfall. By improving soil structure and maintaining healthy plant cover, this tool highlights areas where water retention can be maximized and rainfall losses minimized.
land management impact overlay
What is effective rainfall?
Effective rainfall refers to the portion of total rainfall that is available for plant growth after accounting for losses due to runoff, deep drainage, and evaporation. In agricultural systems, not all rainfall directly benefits crops and pastures—some is lost before it can be used by plants. Factors such as management practices, ground cover, and soil type play a crucial role in determining how much rainfall becomes effectively available to support plant growth.