AgriProve Managing Director Matthew Warnken's response to the Clean Energy Regulator announcing their 1,000th registered carbon project


Really great to be part of this important milestone - 1000 projects participating under the Australian Government's Emissions Reduction Fund. While it is pretty cool that the 1000th project was an AgriProve soil carbon project, the milestone really speaks to the hard work and dedication of everyone in the Australian carbon market space. (Let's face it - the 1000th could just have easily been a Climate Friendly, Corporate Carbon Advisory Pty Ltd, GreenCollar or other worthy project developer).

The cumulative effort to get to 1000 projects includes massive contributions from farmers, project developers, consultants, auditors, methodology technical working groups, investors, Carbon Market Institute (CMI), Soil Carbon Industry Group and the respective teams at the Clean Energy Regulator, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, and Emissions Assurance Reduction Committee.

The milestone is also significant recognition of the leadership and innovation occurring in Australia around improving landscape functionality, nature based solutions and developing low emissions technologies. And at a time when it is raining on the peak of Greenland's ice cap we all need to turn our collective amps up to 11, make sure ears are pinned and have a crack. So why not the Australian ERF 'have a crack challenge' - first to reach the 10,000th project and/or 1 billionth ACCU wins! (Seriously though - if I can garner enough support I will launch at the opening dinner address at the CMI 2021 Summit!)

#emissionsreduction #naturebasedsolutions #carbonmarkets #CMISummit #soilcarbon #carbonfarming