Tags for tonnes - Support questions
+ How do I access, register and connect monitoring software?
The AgriProve team will process your order for tags and will link these to the AgriProve software solution. When you log in for the first time you’ll be able to see your farm boundary and carbon project mapped and ready to go. All you need to do is charge, and then tag your livestock.
+ Where do I go for support?
The AgriProve team is your first port of call for support. If we can’t answer any questions we will contact the team at Ceres Tag to resolve and will get back to you with an answer.
+ How do I initiate the tags?
Please refer the to Start up guide for tags. However, the simple summary is: 1) charge your tags in the sun for 7 days. 2) Activate the tags (the slow flashing light will stop once correctly activated) 3) Apply to your livestock. 4) Your tags will generally show in your software solution within 4 hours but in some cases can take up to 24 hours.
+ Can I remove the tags / Are tags reusable?
Tags are attached in the same way as NLIS tags. Tags can be removed from stock and placed onto another animal by cutting through the stem of the male tag back with a tag removal tool and reapplying with a new male tag back. Ear tag removal tools are available from Ceres as are additional tag backs.
+ Common technical issues?
Activation – getting the tags to activate can be a problem. Make sure you activate the tags before you tag your livestock. It’s a good idea to activate them the day before – This will provide time to confirm the tag is active and showing correctly in your software solution - giving you the certainty that the tag is working properly.
Lost tags – Ceres tag recommend that the tag unit faces forward so that it is in the inside of the ear. This will reduce the chance of lost tags. Ceres Ranch tags can be removed and reattached with a new pin if required.
Barcodes and VID – make sure you identify the tag serial number and match it to your Visual ID for your record keeping purposes. That way you will be able to make the most out of your software insights – matching tags to cows accurately.
Alerts – You can set up, edit or cancel alerts in the AgriProve Software solution. Go to the Alerts section online and select the type of notification to modify.
My tags aren’t showing up in the software. - Generally tags will send a data packet via satellite within 4 hours of activation. However, in rare cases it may take up to 36 hours for the first data packet to be received. If after 36 hours you still have no connection to the software ensure that the tag is activated (there should be no lights flashing if the tag is activated)
+ I went to the location of the tag but the animal wasn’t there...
Please remember that the data is passed from the tag via a satellite and into your software roughly every 6 hours. Even though data is captured to the minute on the tag itself. By the time it shows in your software it will have aged a few hours. Always take note of the “Last updated” information to see how recently the location information or other data was updated.
+ How do I use/ What can I do with the software?
Please refer to the detailed user guide here
+ What do the flashing lights indicate?
Charging: • When charging a blue light will flash quickly (roughly one flash/second) • When fully charged a blue light will flash slowly (roughly one flash/10 seconds) Activating: • Hold the activator in place for the full routine of red flashes • Activation is indicated by a pink light flashing quickly a few times then a few longer red flashes Active tags: • After activation the tags will not flash. This is so that animals aren’t disturbed and predators/poachers aren’t alerted.